How to survive Christmas

We’re in the thick of ‘silly season’ when stress levels rise as we succumb to the pressure of creating a magical Christmas, worry about money and spend loads of time overindulging with family and friends (I'll let you decide whether that's good or bad...).

It's easy to get swept up in the buzz of what you think you should be doing and forget to tune into what you actually need.  So here are 3 tips for surviving the festive season 🎄


1. At least once a day stop and ask yourself this question - "How am I?"

How are you feeling in body and mind?  Are you loving life?  Are you tired?  Excited?  Overwhelmed?  Lonely?  Grateful?  Overstimulated?  Anxious?  Content?  Hungry?

Just notice what is going on for you, without trying to change anything (unless you're hungry in which case, go get a snack!) and without passing judgement.  Whatever you are feeling is valid and important.  

And remember, these feelings are not mutually exclusive - you can be overwhelmed and grateful, lonely and surrounded by people, anxious and loving life.


2.  Now you know how you feel.  So ask yourself this - "Is there anything I need?

What do YOU need?  Not what do you think you need to do for other people.

Do you need peace and quiet?  Do you need to say "no" to the work Christmas night out/family party/*insert social event here*?  Do you need to move your body?  Do you need to curl up on the sofa under a cosy blanket watching It's A Wonderful Life?  Do you need to ask someone to watch the kids for a couple of hours/overnight? 

So often we forget that we are allowed to have our needs met.  We spend more time focused on the needs of others, which inevitably pushes ourselves down the priority list.  Your needs matter too, and, as the safety briefing says before before take-off: put on your own oxygen mask first.


3. Take the pressure off

Be kind to yourself.  You are one person.  You cannot do it all.  So take a breath, and picture what a happy Christmas looks like for you.  Is it being surrounded by family and friends?  Is it spending time alone to rest and recharge for the year ahead?  Is it ignoring Christmas altogether and carrying on, business as usual?  

You do you.


With love, 

Louise x


PS - If you need half an hour to yourself, don't forget about my Gentle Yoga Video on YouTube.  The perfect way to recharge body and mind.


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